Chemical vs. Physical Exfoliation

We recently shared about the five key benefits of facial exfoliation, but you might be wondering about the difference between chemical and physical exfoliation and which treatment is right for you. We’re deep-diving into the pros and cons of each type of exfoliation and giving you our recommendations based on your skincare needs!


Physical Exfoliation

What is Physical Exfoliation?

Physical exfoliation reduces dead and dry skin by manually loosening and rubbing the skin. Physical exfoliation can include a variety of products, techniques, and tools such as washcloths, brushes or sponges, or facial scrubs.

The pros of Physical Exfoliation

  • Immediate, noticeable results

  • Suitable for most skin types (except sensitive skin)

  • You can physically control the intensity of your exfoliation

  • Can improve circulation and stimulate collagen production

The cons of Physical Exfoliation

  • Certain ingredients or techniques can be too harsh or abrasive on skin and can result in inflammation or irritation.

Recommended Physical Exfoliation Treatments


Chemical Exfoliation

What is Chemical Exfoliation?

Chemical exfoliation uses acids and enzymes to dissolve the bonds that hold dead skin cells together. There are three types of acids commonly used in skincare products: alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), and poly-hydroxy acids (PHAs). Note that even though words like “chemical” and “acids” may sound scary, chemical exfoliants can be quite gentle and many use natural or food-derived acids and enzymes! Milk, fruits, and sugarcane are all examples of natural sources of chemical exfoliators.

The pros of Chemical Exfoliation

  • Immediate, noticeable results

  • More options for a variety of skin types (including sensitive skin)

  • Works more deeply and offers longer-lasting results than physical exfoliation

  • Can help with other skin challenges such as acne, scaring, and hyperpigmentation

The cons of Chemical Exfoliation

  • Can irritate your skin if used incorrectly with other skincare treatments or if too strong of a product is being used

  • Can make skin more sensitive to sunlight (be sure to remember SPF when you’re using chemical exfoliants!)

Recommended Chemical Exfoliation Treatments


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The 5 Key Benefits of Facial Exfoliation